No, it actually takes 45 seconds! Turns out I was wrong
about mug cakes. I’ve had the belief over the past few decades, that a decent
mini chocolate cake from a microwave was impossible. I based this on the fact
that every example I’d come across had the texture of a hockey puck.
I assumed the cause was the microwave’s ultra-violent
thermodynamics, and that there was nothing anyone could do about it, but then I
got to thinking. Maybe there was a way to tweak the existing recipes out there
to minimize this problem. Long story short, I tweaked an existing recipe, which
minimized the problem.
The secrets were using smaller amounts of batter, and
cooking for way less time than has been suggested by others. Once you’ve boiled
off all the water in the batter, you are totally screwed, so the idea here is
to just barely get to the point of doneness, and stop. For me that was exactly
45 seconds.